You will meet with one of our professional coaches to discuss your goals and lifestyle demands. This consultation will allow your coach to design a training program that fits your needs inside and outside of the gym.


    Next, your coach will run you through a 3-part physical assessment. Body, Move, and Work (BMW) - current body composition analysis, movement patterns, and work capacity.


    Your coach will combine the goals identified in your consultation with the data from your physical assessment to design your personalized fitness program.


    Work with our professional coaches on the gym floor to learn new movements and points of performance. Workout alongside members and connect with a community as committed as you.


    Your coach and your gym are committed to your individual and lifestyle needs. Try us for 30 days, no contract!

Save up to 50% off your first month!



What is the benefit of a personalized assessment?

The assessment gives you and your coach a starting point for your personalized program. The assessment consists of Body, Move, and Work. The "Body" is where we get insight into your body composition with our InBody machine and discuss your goals, lifestyle, and nutritional habits. The "Move" is where we perform a comprehensive movement screen to gain insight into your movement patterns and how we will shape your program based on your strengths and weaknesses. The "Work" is where we perform work capacity testing based on you and your goals to create a baseline on where you are today.

What information does the Inbody give me?

The Inbody gives you a full analysis of your body composition and will tell you information such as your lean muscle mass, body fat percentage, body water percentage, and more.

How long will my assessment take?

The assessment involves 3 one-hour sessions in a one-week period.

How quickly will I receive my training program?

You will receive your personalized training program after one week.

How do I access my training?

Your training will be available to you on the online platform, called CoachRx. This platform will allow you to track your workouts and communicate with your coach daily.

What information does the Inbody give me?

Over the 4 weeks, we will receive a personal BMW assessment and a personalized training program. You will also receive access to our facility 7 days a week along with our great community and our Strength Connected coaches. A the end of the 4 weeks we will have a monthly consultation, as we do with all of our clients. Monthly consultations are a great time to review your training, talk about nourishment, discuss your goals, and an opportunity for you to ask questions.

Can I use the gym whenever I want?

Yes! You will have unlimited access to our Strength Connected location, open 7 days a week.

Will there be a coach on the gym floor to help me?

You will always be training under the watchful eye of a professional coach. They will guide you with your workout and answer any questions you may have.

What happens when I complete the 4-week trial?

You and your coach review your past month of training and plan your training moving forward at Strength Connected.