Strength Connected starts with YOU first. We take pride in honoring who you are as an individual and what makes you unique both inside and outside of the gym. Your personal coach will CONNECT you with your goals by exploring all aspects of health & fitness.
Whether your goal is to lose weight, be a good role model, compete in a sport, or to live long and prosper you deserve a professional coach who is as invested in your success as you are. We believe in a holistic approach to fitness that takes the time to thoroughly get to know who you are, what your typical day looks like, your experience with fitness, and where your physical starting point is.
How We Differ From The Rest
Unlike personal training, which is really just expensive “babysitting” that only gives you a daily workout, our Coaches deliver comprehensive and personalized designed fitness experiences to each and every client for a fraction of the personal training price.
Our coaches think more than the physical aspect of health& fitness. They CONNECT you with your true intentions through movement, nutrition, and lifestyle.
Please fill out the form below to request a free consultation or to receive more information about Strength Connected.